I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unexpected Opportunities

How quickly my day can be filled with unexpected opportunities 
(a.k.a. challenges and obstacles, difficulties and stress inducers). 
I really want to be a person who can roll with the punches and accept these opportunities with open arms, ready to experience the blessings that are hidden beneath the facade of being unexpected, unwelcomed, unintended, unbecoming and untimely.

When my plans are interrupted or ten more things are added to an already busy morning, I am easily frustrated. I see my time and ability to perform compared to the enormity of what I feel is expected of me. 
When I do this, I lose. 
Accepting my inabilities and weaknesses is really quite freeing. 
Being reliant on His strength and power at work allows me to accomplish the seeming impossible. Trusting in His unfailing faithfulness lets me rest in His arms when the whirlwind that consumes my life spins and turns.  

So, the morning my husband called and told me the heating/air guys were on their way -- totally unexpected to me -- definitely not on my schedule -- and just something I really didn't want to have to deal with that day -- I panicked. (*blush*) How my flesh cries out when I am pinched.  

But in His marvelous, gracious, loving kindness, God came near. As I looked to Him and let Him know how completely unable I was to handle this particular unexpected opportunity, He loved me. 
He held me close and allowed me to breathe. 
I imagine He was singing a song of encouragement and love over me.  
At least that's how it felt.  

The hidden blessing of this particular unexpected opportunity?  
Maybe that the children would be warm as they slept that night.  
It is also possible that the hidden blessing came as the unexpected opportunity sent me to my knees that morning and I was provided a few extra moments of intimate snuggle time with God.  

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