I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our Family, God's Tapestry of Grace

I'm having to admit that I have never really understood 
unconditional love.  
it seems my love has often been conditional in ways 
I didn't realize.  

To me, it seems natural to want my husband and children to love me.  
I know how much I love them and I expect a certain amount of 
reciprocation to occur.  
This has never seemed "conditional" love to me because 
I don't love to receive love in return, 
but just have, what I would describe as, a reasonable expectation 
that the people I love 
will want to 
love me in return.

My family consists of my husband and myself, 
our biological daughter, 
our son adopted from Ukraine and 
our two sons and daughter adopted from Russia.  
In my heart, this is my family.  This is a work of God and I am perfectly pleased with His design.

 With my heart full of gratitude, I have viewed my family as a beautiful tapestry of God's grace. 

Recently, I have had to acknowledge that I am guilty of
viewing this tapestry 
through a filter of my own creation.  
God seems to be leading me to a place where he wants to show me 
the tapestry He's creating.

Gently, God has been revealing some areas in my understanding of our family 
that need His guidance.  
He is leading me to give Him my 
desires for our family
 so that He can cleanse me of my 
pride and expectations ... 
and give me a purer heart for my husband and our children.  

A heart that is able to love more freely, 
without conditions or expectations. 

This is a new part of the journey...
Trusting God to continue to weave us together,
according to His plans and purposes
and for His glory.  

Photos by Melony Stevens Photography

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