I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grateful for the "divine" appointment

The "divine" veterinary appointment.

My husband and I have been happily married for twenty years.  

You might say ours is a match made in heaven.  
And you would be correct.

I love telling people that I married my vet.  
We met one day when I took my cats to the veterinary hospital for annual physicals and vaccinations.  
As a young single girl, living on my own, I had cats that kept me company and I loved them dearly.

This young, (and might I add handsome), veterinarian wore Levis jeans and cowboy boots.  He was incredibly gentle and kind to my cats.  

I was impressed with his demeanor and the professional care he gave to my babies. 
 But I assumed that he was married with a sweet little family.

In an innocent conversation with a dear friend, I shared about my encounter with the young veterinarian.  
My friend's face broke into a huge smile and her beautiful blue eyes twinkled as she told me that this young doctor was not married. 

A few days later I would be calling after hours with a sick cat, 
and meeting the young veterinarian back at the animal hospital.  
He graciously examined my cat, Psalms, treated him and soon I was on my way home.  

Now that I knew he was a young, 
handsome, single veterinarian, 
I looked forward to the next opportunity I would have 
to visit the veterinary hospital.

Little did I know that I would receive a call one evening from the vet 
to check on my kitty.  *wink*

It is so sweet to hear him tell how he sat on the sofa at his house 
that evening watching television.
At the end of every thirty minute sitcom he would tell himself
"I'll call her when the next show is over."
How sweet that it took him all evening to get up the courage to call me. 

That phone call was the first of many to come.
My vet worked with both small and large animals.
On certain evenings and every other weekend he would be "on call" to see animals after hours.

How fortunate for me that he was the vet on call the night my kitty was sick.

Whenever he would get a call from a client about their pet or a farmer about a cow, horse or pig in need,
he would call me on his way and ask if I wanted to ride along.

Why, yes!  I believe I will ride along.  

Thus began a three year friendship/courtship.

I tagged along for small animal emergencies and farm calls.  I watched him pull calves,
 do C-sections on cows,
treat colicky horses
a host of other procedures.

I did not arrive for that initial visit at the veterinary hospital
with any idea of what God had in store.
Certainly, I did not go that day looking for a husband.

In His perfect time and in keeping with His plans and purposes for both my husband and myself, 
God arranged for us to meet.
And my heart is eternally grateful for that very special 
divine veterinary appointment.

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