I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

We Stood By

We Stood By

We stood by 
and closed our eyes
We watched as sin was legalized
The selfish quest to end a life
An inconvenient strain on rights
We heard the millions unborn cry
Their precious lives we sacrificed
And lacking courage wrung our hands 
Immobile feet on sinking sands
And we stood by

We stood by 
with careless eyes
And watched as sin was glamorized
The stars of screen and stage we spied
With wandering hearts we idolized
Our values lost to compromise
We traded Truth for social lies
And lacking courage wrung our hands
Immobile feet on sinking sands
And we stood by

We stood by 
with open eyes
When in our schools we said goodbye
To right and wrong and standards high
The right to pray and verbalize
Our love for God, our faith in Christ
We failed to see the warning signs
And lacking courage wrung our hands
Immobile feet on sinking sands
And we stood by

We stood by 
with woeful eyes
And watched our country's slow demise
Decay reeked havoc deep inside
The stench released, the arrogants' pride
"In God We Trust" by men denied
With family values set aside
And lacking courage wrung our hands
Immobile feet on sinking sands
And we stood by

We stood by 
with tear stained eyes
With souls expelling heavy sighs
Our hearts in full repentance cried
"Oh God, invisible, immortal, wise
You are the way, the truth, the life"
And filled with courage raised our hands
Declaring, "on His Word we stand"
And we stood by... faith

~Terha Knittel
Grateful by Design

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