I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spectacular Sequence of Delight

I love when an ordinary day takes on the extraordinary without any fanfare or forethought.  Those times when God slips in a dazzling dose of special moments that cause your heart to dance like a prima ballerina.

Yesterday, while the kids were doing their school work, I was taking care of some household needs.  I saw my "nothing special" day become a spectacular sequence of delight as my kiddos and I spent a few minutes outside at the end of the day.    We ventured out to look at our new ducks. They are growing so quickly they won't be babies much longer.

... and I realize my children are growing up quickly, as well.  Beautiful and precious individuals.

 We also visited our ladies.  Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the fact that we have chickens.  I am so grateful for our fresh eggs and blessed to have enough that we can share with friends.

... and I stop for a moment and realize how blessed we are to have such beautiful friends.  I am thankful that even though we moved to an unfamiliar place, we have an abundance of friendships that have developed over the years.  It is good to be reminded of this provision.  


The goats were enjoying the beautiful day.  My daughter spoiled them with an afternoon snack, which they loved.

The ducks, the chickens, the goats ... these have all been projects that my husband has shared with Sera and Kyle.  What a beautiful expression of love.

... my heart swells with love for my family.  My husband is a wonderful daddy to our kiddos.  

As we walked around our yard we came across some blooming daffodils.  My husband bought some daffodil bulbs and told the children they could plant the bulbs wherever they wanted.  Then we would wait for Spring to see them burst through the ground.

Kyle planted these in a seemingly insignificant place.  But I like the element of surprise.  We tend to think that there is only one way to do something, or one place to plant bulbs, and then along comes a solitary daffodil that brightens up the yard in an uncommon place.

... I am reminded of the need to bloom where I am planted.  It may not be the place of my choosing and it may seem like an uncommon place.  But there is value in the beauty that the bloom brings and there is great significance in the life that springs forth.  

 The azaleas are blossoming.  One of the nice things about all of our azaleas is that they don't all blossom at the same time.  Some are in full bloom and some are just on the verge of opening up.  The variety is an extra bonus.  We have so many different colors and shades of azaleas.  Most of them were planted by previous owners of our property.

... I can't help but think of my family and how different we all are.  We are at different stages of blooming.  It is one of the best parts about family - that we're not all alike.  I love seeing my children at all of the different stages as they grow and mature.  

And when our trip around the yard was over, my heart was full of love for my family and our home, our friends and the beauty of God's creation.  Kyle, who had been gathering flowers as we walked around the yard, presented me with a beautiful bouquet.

... and for some reason, as I looked at the tiny vase with the lovely azaleas, I thought of how God must truly delight in us.  With all of our differences, beauty in all shades and sizes, each of us at different places in our journey; a spectacular sequence of delight and a beautiful bouquet for Him to enjoy.