I am an ordinary person, closely acquainted with imperfection and frailty, who boasts about the greatness of Jesus Christ and His transforming work in my life. Wife, homeschooling mother of 5, and musician/song writer. My desire is to share from my journey and hopefully be an encouragement to others.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Simple Photo Journalist

I think there is a part of me that always desired to take pictures and tell stories.  There are people truly gifted and trained in this; I am not one of these.  However, I love to capture different moments that make up my life and share them.  A very simple photo journalist with a story to tell.

My husband and I recently celebrated twenty years of marriage!  Yay!  We spent a couple of days in Branson, Missouri.  While we were there we visited the Butterfly Palace where I took this picture with my phone camera.  I am reminded of a blog from a while back read here when I wrote of Sera's acceptance of newly adopted baby brother, Kyle.

A couple of years ago when my father-in-law died, my husband and I were given one of the plants that had been sent to the family.  We carried the beautiful Hibiscus plant all the way from South Dakota to Georgia in the back of our van.  We hoped and prayed that the trip would not over stress the plant.  Once home, we coddled it until we felt that we could transplant it to a more permanent pot (home).  By the grace of God, we have been able to watch this beautiful plant blossom.  I took this picture a few weeks ago.  Each beautiful blossom is a special reminder of my husband's father and the beautiful man he was.
There really is nothing special about this picture, except that it is of our front door.  I played around with PicMonkey until I came across the look that I was after.   The verse from Luke 11 is a favorite of mine.  God stands ready to hear and answer ... 

This picture is of the fireplace wall in my bedroom.  I had received a faith boost earlier in the day concerning an answer to a prayerful desire of my heart.  When I was reminded of God's faithfulness, I was also reminded of how long I had prayed and the steadfast assurance I had that God would prevail.  The children of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, seeing no results, but trusting in Jehovah.
And the walls fell!

We were in South Dakota this past summer visiting my husband's family.  My husband and my youngest child were engaged in a friendly competition of who could give "mom" the best and prettiest "flowers".  This little game had begun weeks earlier at home as each would find an amazingly beautiful or large flower blossom and present it to me in front of the other.  One day during this particular trip I began building, what I referred to as, a love bouquet out of their gifts.
 "The gathered memories of the day become a treasured love bouquet"

This photo was taken at the Ingall's Homestead in De Smet, South Dakota.  The verse from Isaiah came to mind as I remembered our day at the Homestead.  It was truly filled with His peace.  

Another photo from the Ingall's Homestead.  It was a gorgeous day when we visited.  

On the Ingall's Homestead, we saw several cats and kittens.  This mother cat and kitten had found a place of protection behind the old red wagon wheel.  It was hard to decide which we would prefer; to bring these cats home with us or to live on the Ingall's Homestead and play with the cats in their home environment.

Fall is my favorite season.  Here is my perfect fall morning:  chai tea, pumpkin swirl bread and Bible study.  

Thank you for joining me on this little photo journey.  I would love to hear your thoughts about the pictures.  Is there one that stands out to you?  
